If you are a young person and you are homeless or about to be homeless then this section is for you. You might be on your own, you might have a partner, you might have your own kids. Maybe you need help for a friend or family member who is homeless or facing homelessness.

The links below will help you to find support, get back on track, connect with the community and empower you to achieve your full potential.

Need Help?

Need Help

If you, or someone you know, is homeless or at risk of being homeless, please contact your nearest H...

About Homelessness

About Homelessness

The 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics Census estimates that 39% of Victorians counted as experien...


Why do young people experience homelessness?
There are many reasons why young people experience...
How do young people experiencing homelessness feel?
Most young people experiencing homelessness only h...
Mohammed: CALD* and homeless
*CALD - Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Moh...
Youth homelessness: A snapshot
The 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics Census es...
Jill: Going home
Jill* (22 yo) presented at Homeground stating that...
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