• Youth Homelessness Services Come Together For NAIDOC Breakfast
    YOUTH HOMELESSNESS SERVICES COME TOGETHER FOR NAIDOC BREAKFAST   Margaret Tucker Hostel and Hope Street Youth and Family Services will celebrate NAIDOC week with a signature breakfast together as they join forces to address youth homelessness in M...

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    Margaret Tucker Hostel Morning Tea
    Margaret Tucker Hostel morning tea and tour of Melton for Reconciliation Week.   This week is Reconciliation Week 2024! Hope Street welcomed Worrell Blow, Manager from the Margaret Tucker Hostel for a Morning Tea and tour at the Melton First Resp...

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    OZ Harvest and StreetSmart’s Sleep Safe
    OZ Harvest and StreetSmart’s Sleep Safe   Community partnerships help young people and young families experiencing homelessness.   Thank you, Oz Harvest, and StreetSmart for the on-going community partnership with Hope Street to provide ess...

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    Hope Street welcomes budget announcements for homelessness as part of the Home Time campaign.
    Hope Street welcomes budget announcements for homelessness as part of the Home Time campaign. Win for children and young people in budget announcement! Hope Street Youth and Family Services welcomes the recent media release from Federal Minister ...

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    Donna Bennett gives speech at Property Industry Foundation event, ‘Steps for Homeless Youth.’
    Donna Bennett gives speech at Property Industry Foundation event, ‘Steps for Homeless Youth.’    On a brisk, early morning at the beautiful Albert Park, Donna Bennett, Chief Executive Officer and Katie Hooper, Business Development and Partner...

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    Lily D’Ambrosio MP revisits the City of Whittlesea First Response Youth Refuge build site.
    Lily D’Ambrosio MP local state member visits the City of Whittlesea First Response Youth Refuge build site again.   It’s been just over a year since Lily D’Ambrosio joined the special sod turning event in April 2023 followed by a Smoking C...

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    Youth Mayors visit Hope Street First Response Youth Service Refuge Construction site!
    City of Whittlesea Youth Mayors visit Hope Street First Response Youth Service Refuge Construction site!  Hope Street was delighted to welcome to the First Response Youth Service Refuge construction site, Chair Administrator Lydia Wilson who join...

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    Hope Street is recruiting!
    Hope Street is building… a team and a youth homelessness service in City of Whittlesea.      Hope Street is a leading youth homelessness organisation specialising in placed based youth focused responses and advocacy, now recruiting a new te...

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  • Youth Homelessness Matters Day
    Youth Homelessness Matters Day   Youth Homelessness Matters Day (YHMD) is a national day that aims to raise awareness and public discussion about child and youth homelessness. It's a day to start conversations about sustainable and innovative so...

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    Andrew Giles MP visits Hope Street
    Andrew Giles MP visits Hope Street   Hope Street Youth and Family Services was delighted to show local Federal MP Andrew Giles, the Member for Scullin, the build site for the First Response Youth Services Refuge in the City of Whittlesea this Apri...

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    Harmony Day 2024
    Highlights from the 'All Staff Day,' at the Melton Council Youth Centre celebrating 'Everyone Belongs,' on Harmony Day.     On 21 March 2024 Hope Street staff teams were invited to an all-staff day to listen to and provide feedback about their...

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    Statement on ABC article
    Hope Street has joined a coalition of nearly 100 organisations demanding the federal government do more for youth homelessness. With fresh figures revealing the extent of youth homelessness, the campaign, ‘Home Time,’ has called on the Commonwe...

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    Federal Government Extends Homelessness Funding
    We won! Led by Homelessness Australia’s campaign, the Federal Government will extend the 73 million funding to respond to the homelessness crisis. In solidarity with peak service providers and the Australian Services Union, an Open Letter to the ...

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    Hope Street and SleepSafe
    Hope Street is providing comfort for young people and their children.   Providing dignity and comfort for young people and their children who are striving to secure a safe place to call home with high quality and beautifully designed linen. Hope ...

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    Update on the Whittlesea Build Site
    The City of Whittlesea is forecast to grow by 10,9981 by 2041.   Update on the Whittlesea Build Site   Exciting news from the build site!  Over 100 young people aged 16-25 years will receive short term accommodation and support in the City of...

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    2023 Annual Report Brief
    Annual Report Brief:   The Hope Street Youth and Family Services Annual Report for 2023 is available and should be read by those passionate about advocating and raising awareness for the most vulnerable to homelessness in Australia, children, and ...

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Youth reunited

The Youth Reconciliation program offers one-to-one counselling and support so that young people can establish and maintain constructive relationships with family and broader support networks.

The program assists young people to:

  • avoid entering into a cycle of homelessness as a result of family conflict
  • achieve self-reliance, stability and interdependence
  • engage in better communication and problem solving
  • work through personal issues such as anger, separation, grief and loss, and explore options for positive change
  • develop ways to positively resolve conflict, formulate the means to strengthen relationships, and build confidence in reaching their goals and furthering their potential

What does the program offer?

  • One-on-one and family counselling support that is confidential, free, voluntary, short term and solution focused
  • Living skills workshops that are designed to promote personal growth, responsibility and self management
  • Community Development in the form of networking, presentations, workshops, and provision of information related to homelessness, early intervention and prevention
  • Mediation and facilitation of family meetings that support young people to re-establish contact with family, and/or to maintain and strengthen significant relationships
  • Secondary Consultation and team support for Hope Street staff to ensure an holistic approach to service delivery

How can young people enter this program?

Young people must be:

  • 16 - 25 years of age—priority will be given to those 19 years and under
  • (at risk of) experiencing homelessness
  • linked to the North and North-West Metropolitan region of Melbourne
  • able to identify any family member (or appropriate person) as having a significant influence on their close relationships, wellbeing or security

Please contact your nearest access point(s) listed on this page to find out more about entering this program.


Learn more about the young people supported, and our impact, from our latest Annual Report.


Hope to Home in Whittlesea

FEATURED PILOT PROGRAM: Hope to Home in Whittlesea

Many young people face obstacles when trying to secure stable accommodation due to no rental history, lack of affordable housing, and no employment to sustain rental leases.  The Hope to Home in Whittlesea pilot program will address these issues by:

  • Facilitating the transition of up to 30 young people (and their children) from the Hope Street in Whittlesea program or Whittlesea Housing into 1 and 2 bedroom units
  • Providing case management once they secure private rental of these units
  • Helping these young people maintain their tenancy, employment, education and training, and community connections
  • Engaging the support of community stakeholders including local businesses to address barriers contributing to youth homelessness

Please contact us if you would like to become a partner and support at risk young people and young families.

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