Donna Bennett, CEO

Donna Bennett commenced her working life in youth homelessness while completing her Bachelor of Social Work, working in a young women’s refuge and a residential centre for young people in care in regional Victoria.  This was the beginning of her passion and drive for a fairer system and service delivery response to young people and their children impacted by not having a safe home in which to thrive.

Over her 35 years in the sector, Donna has extensive experience as a practitioner and leader. Donna is respected for her leadership and genuine collaboration, engaging local communities to be pro-active participants of the solutions to the causes and impact of young people not having a safe home.

Donna highly regards the strengths, compassion and drive of all stakeholders who, together with Hope Street, strive to influence social change. In addition to collaboratively creating new program models in youth homelessness and women-specific services with local communities, Donna has been leading and supporting the professional teams at Hope Street in providing its highly regarded specialist responses to youth homelessness.

Young people who access our services receive an individually designed wrap around response that includes immediate, short-term and long-term goals. Our approaches are centred on early intervention and prevention and focus on all aspects of each young person’s life. Young people determine and drive the achievement of their goals.

I have seen hundreds of young people blossom and make significant meaningful changes in their lives.

Who We Are

  • Donna Bennett, CEO
    Executive Leadership
    Donna Bennett commenced her working life in youth homelessness while completing her Bachelor of Social Work, working in a young women’s refuge and a residential centre for young people in care in regional Victoria.  This was the beginning of her passion and drive for a fairer system and service delivery response to young people and their children impacted by not having a sa...

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    Sue Watt, Team Coordinator (North East)
    Program Leadership
    Sue Watt commenced at Hope Street in 2013 and is a respected team member.  Sue contributes her extensive expertise as a member of the leadership team building the operational capacity of the programs for quality client-focused services to young people and young families.  Sue has over 20 years of experience in the homelessness sector working with youth and adults.

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    Duncan Adams, Finance Manager
    Executive Leadership
    Duncan Adams has been an Accountant and Finance Manager for more than 30 years in mid-sized corporations, before switching to the Not For Profit sector recently.

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    Sue Scott, Operations Manager
    Executive Leadership
    Sue Scott's substantive position is as Programs Manager (North East). She commenced at Hope Street in March 2020 and has over 20 years' experience in the homelessness sector.

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  • Katie Hooper, Business Development and Partnerships Manager
    Executive Leadership
    Katie Hooper has worked in child and family services for over 25 years. She has worked with Government and Not for Profit organisations, in direct practice roles and executive leadership roles. Katie has worked with children, young people and families through Child Protection, Youth Justice, Education and support services. Katie joined the Hope Street team in June 2022 as the Business ...

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    Bianca Nash, Team Leader (Whittlesea)
    Program Leadership
    Bianca Nash commenced at Hope Street in the role of First Response Youth Refuge Team Leader for South Morang in May 2024. Bianca is an accomplished social worker who holds 20 years of experience in the community services industry working in the youth, counselling, case management and family services sector.

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    Nicole Misurelli, People and Culture Manager
    Executive Leadership
    Nicole Misurelli is an experienced People and Culture leader with experience in the public sector, Local Government, Higher Education and other sectors.  Nicole is passionate about using her professional experience which includes a past director and president of a peak body in the Out of Home Care sector, to improve the lives of vulnerable people and particularly youth.

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    Gary Humphrey, Programs Manager (North West)
    Program Leadership
    Gary Humphrey commenced at Hope Street in the role of Programs Manager (North West) in January 2022 and has 30 years' experience in the disability, mental health, aged, public health and case management sector.

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