Planting seeds of hope

Spring is a time of growth.  Hope Street needs your help to build a new youth crisis accommodation centre and we are launching Responding to Youth Homelessness in Outer Growth Corridors - all under a budding Tree of Hope.

From 18 September, the Tree of Hope will be an evolving display at the Woodgrove Shopping Centre. People will be able to buy and attach a butterfly to the tree and leave their messages of hope for young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. As the number of butterflies on the tree grows, so does the awareness of youth homelessness and how Hope Street helps vulnerable young persons establish roots in the community and realise their potential. This is a symbolic representation of the community's concern for homeless young people and their families.

Woodgrove Shopping Centre logo

Woodgrove Shopping Centre, one of our valued partners, recently nominated Hope Street as its preferred charity. All funds raised from the Tree of Hope will be donated to Hope Street.

Help us plant the seeds of hope

Hope Street recently unveiled plans for a new crisis accommodation centre that will provide emergency help to more than 100 people at risk of being homeless in Melton each year. As well as providing shelter and meals, support services will include health, education and training, and counselling. Your contribution and message left on the Tree of Hope will help us to grow and and realise our plans and, most importantly, plant the seeds of hope in these young people and their families.

he Melton Leader newspaper has written an article on this much-needed emergency accommodation.

Read the full article

Launch Invitation

The Tree of Hope is also the venue for our Responding to Youth Homelessness in Outer Growth Corridors: A research project in response to youth homelessness in Melton launch.  Light refreshments provided.

When: Thursday 24 September 2015; 10:00am - 11:00am
Where: Woodgrove Shopping Centre
At the Tree of Hope (outside Harris Scarfe)
533 - 555 High Street, Melton
RSVP: Monday 21 September 2015
Contact Mandy Baxter on or (03) 8311 9622

Image credit: Photo within image above of Donna Bennett, CEO (left) and Mandy Baxter, Service Development Manager, by Mark Wilson, Melton Leader Newspaper

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Hope to Home in Whittlesea

FEATURED PILOT PROGRAM: Hope to Home in Whittlesea

Many young people face obstacles when trying to secure stable accommodation due to no rental history, lack of affordable housing, and no employment to sustain rental leases.  The Hope to Home in Whittlesea pilot program will address these issues by:

  • Facilitating the transition of up to 30 young people (and their children) from the Hope Street in Whittlesea program or Whittlesea Housing into 1 and 2 bedroom units
  • Providing case management once they secure private rental of these units
  • Helping these young people maintain their tenancy, employment, education and training, and community connections
  • Engaging the support of community stakeholders including local businesses to address barriers contributing to youth homelessness

Please contact us if you would like to become a partner and support at risk young people and young families.

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